Revolutionize Your Painting 

Business with Painting.Homes

Empowering painters to measure, quote,  

invoice and complete jobs with near 

100% accuracy- all in one app.

Trusted by Major Painting Brands

Our Features

Room Measurement & Square Footage Calculator:

Quickly measure rooms and calculate wall square footage for accurate pricing.

Estimate Creation and Approval:

Create professional estimates and send them to customers for approval directly through the app.

Job Cost and Material Calculation:

Calculate the number of gallons needed and the time required to complete each job.

Payment Processing:

Plan it, create it, launch it. Collaborate seamlessly with all the organization and hit your marketing goals every month with our marketing plan.

Material Sourcing & Delivery

We partner with major brands like Sherwin Williams and PPG to provide materials. Paint is delivered directly to the job site- just show up and paint.

Web Widget for Customer Quotes

Embed our Web Widget on your website to let customers calculate painting costs instantly.

How Painting.Homes Works

Everything You Need to Run Your Painting Business Efficiently

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Use our calculator for fast and accurate measurements 

Measure rooms in seconds and calculate wall square footage with near-perfect accuracy using the app. Simply input dimensions with your smartphone camera or app tools, and our calculator instantly determines material needs and costs—eliminating guesswork and manual math. Save time, reduce errors, and generate professional quotes faster than ever.

  • Measure & Calculate: Use the app to measure rooms and calculate square footage.

  • Receive Materials & Paint: We deliver the necessary materials (paint, etc.) to the job site.

  • Schedule Jobs: Schedule jobs directly through the app.

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Seamless Invoicing, Fast Payments

Send professional invoices in seconds with the app. Track payments, set due dates, and get paid quickly—no paperwork, no delays. Simple, fast, and secure.

  • Create & Send Estimates: Generate professional estimates and send them to customers for approval.

  • Complete the Job & Invoice: Track progress, complete the job, and invoice for any remaining balance.

  • Get Paid: Accept payments for jobs directly through the app.


What Our Client Are Saying

It was a symphony of textures and flavors that left me in awe. I couldn't resist taking a picture to capture the moment and share it with friends who would surely envy my incredible find.

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Jane Doe


It was a symphony of textures and flavors that left me in awe. I couldn't resist taking a picture to capture the moment and share it with friends who would surely envy my incredible find.

Image Description

Jane Doe


It was a symphony of textures and flavors that left me in awe. I couldn't resist taking a picture to capture the moment and share it with friends who would surely envy my incredible find.

Image Description

Jane Doe
